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simlayer('a', 'a-mode').manipulators([
map(1).to(2), // Only when key 'a' is pressed and held, then key '1' right after
Generated JSON in profiles.complex_modifications.rules
"description": "Simlayer - a-mode",
"manipulators": [
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "1", "modifiers": {"optional": ["any"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "2"}],
"conditions": [{"type": "variable_if", "name": "a-mode", "value": 1}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {
"simultaneous": [{"key_code": "a"}, {"key_code": "1"}],
"simultaneous_options": {
"detect_key_down_uninterruptedly": true,
"key_down_order": "strict",
"key_up_order": "strict_inverse",
"key_up_when": "any",
"to_after_key_up": [{"set_variable": {"name": "a-mode", "value": 0}}]
"modifiers": {"optional": ["any"]}
"to": [{"set_variable": {"name": "a-mode", "value": 1}}, {"key_code": "2"}],
"parameters": {"basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds": 200}

How simlayer works

Simlayer is similar to layer, which add a variable on a group of manipulators. The difference is how the variable is toggled.

Layer sets the variable to 1 when the layer key is pressed down and set it back to 0 when the key is released. Simlayer uses from.simultaneous functionality instead.

Simlayer sets the variable to 1 only if the simlayer key is pressed and held, then any key on the simlayer is pressed within the threshold time (200 milliseconds by default). Then the variable remains 1 until the simlayer key is released.

For example,

simlayer('a', 'a-mode').manipulators([
Generated JSON in profiles.complex_modifications.rules
"description": "Simlayer - a-mode",
"manipulators": [
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "1", "modifiers": {"optional": ["any"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "comma"}],
"conditions": [{"type": "variable_if", "name": "a-mode", "value": 1}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "2", "modifiers": {"optional": ["any"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "period"}],
"conditions": [{"type": "variable_if", "name": "a-mode", "value": 1}]
"type": "basic",
"parameters": {"basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds": 200},
"to": [{"set_variable": {"name": "a-mode", "value": 1}}, {"key_code": "comma"}],
"from": {
"simultaneous": [{"key_code": "a"}, {"key_code": "1"}],
"simultaneous_options": {
"detect_key_down_uninterruptedly": true,
"key_down_order": "strict",
"key_up_order": "strict_inverse",
"key_up_when": "any",
"to_after_key_up": [{"set_variable": {"name": "a-mode", "value": 0}}]
"modifiers": {"optional": ["any"]}
"type": "basic",
"parameters": {"basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds": 200},
"to": [
{"set_variable": {"name": "a-mode", "value": 1}},
{"key_code": "period"}
"from": {
"simultaneous": [{"key_code": "a"}, {"key_code": "2"}],
"simultaneous_options": {
"detect_key_down_uninterruptedly": true,
"key_down_order": "strict",
"key_up_order": "strict_inverse",
"key_up_when": "any",
"to_after_key_up": [{"set_variable": {"name": "a-mode", "value": 0}}]
"modifiers": {"optional": ["any"]}

If key 'a' is pressed and held for longer than the threshold time, 'a' starts to repeat.

If key 'a' is pressed and held, and key '1' (or '2') is also pressed within the threshold time, the simlayer variable is set to 1, and ',' (or '.' for '2') is triggered. As long as key 'a' is not released, ',' and '.' will be triggered when '1' or '2' is pressed.

Once key 'a' is released the simlayer variable is set back to 0.


The simlayer by default set from.modifiers to { optional: ["any"] }. It can be changed by modifiers() method.

simlayer('a', 'a-mode')
.modifiers({ optional: '⇪' })
Generated JSON in profiles.complex_modifications.rules
"description": "Simlayer - a-mode",
"manipulators": [
"type": "basic",
"from": {"key_code": "1", "modifiers": {"optional": ["caps_lock"]}},
"to": [{"key_code": "2"}],
"conditions": [{"type": "variable_if", "name": "a-mode", "value": 1}]
"type": "basic",
"from": {
"simultaneous": [{"key_code": "a"}, {"key_code": "1"}],
"simultaneous_options": {
"detect_key_down_uninterruptedly": true,
"key_down_order": "strict",
"key_up_order": "strict_inverse",
"key_up_when": "any",
"to_after_key_up": [{"set_variable": {"name": "a-mode", "value": 0}}]
"modifiers": {"optional": ["caps_lock"]}
"to": [{"set_variable": {"name": "a-mode", "value": 1}}, {"key_code": "2"}],
"parameters": {"basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds": 200}

The simultaneous_options

The default simultaneous_options set by simlayer:

detect_key_down_uninterruptedly: true,
key_down_order: 'strict',
key_up_order: 'strict_inverse',
key_up_when: 'any',

You can override them using simlayer().options({/* ... */})

The threshold time

The default threshold time is 200 milliseconds. It can be set on each layer

simlayer('a', 'a-mode', 100) // The third parameter `threshold` in milliseconds

It can also be set at writeToProfile() for all simlayer in the profile.

'--dry-run', // profile name
[], // rules
{ 'simlayer.threshold_milliseconds': 100 }, // parameters

Problems in simlayer

The other key(s) on the simlayer must be quickly pressed after the layer key, otherwise the simlayer key is triggered.