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FromEvent and map*()

map() takes any valid full from event definition.

map({ key_code: 'a', modifiers: { mandatory: ['left_command'] } })
FromEvent type
export type FromEvent = (
| { key_code: string | number }
| { consumer_key_code: string | number }
| { pointing_button: string | number }
| { any: 'key_code' | 'consumer_key_code' | 'pointing_button' }
| { simultaneous: Array</*...*/>, simultaneous_options?: {/*...*/} }
) & {
modifiers?: { mandatory?: [/*...*/], optional?: [/*...*/] }

There are some useful methods to help create FromEvent easier:


The most common FromEvent is with key_code. map(key) also supports alias for some key_code and modifiers, like , , etc.

The list of supported key_code can be found here.

map('a') // map(key_code)
map(',', 'left_command') // map(key_alias, mandatoryModifiers)
map(1, '⌘', '⇪') // map(number_key_value, modifier_alias, modifier_alias)
map('←', { right: '⌘⌥' }) // map (key_alias, { left/right: modifier_alias})
map('left_command', { optional: '⇧' }) // map(key_code, { optional: modifiers })
map('keypad_asterisk', 'optionalAny') // map(key_code, 'optionalAny')
Generated JSON
// map('a')
{ "key_code": "a" }
// map(',', 'left_command')
{ "key_code": "comma", "modifiers": { "mandatory": [ "left_command"] } }
// map(1, '⌘', '⇪')
{ "key_code": "1", "modifiers": { "mandatory": [ "command"], "optional": [ "caps_lock"] } }
// map('←', { right: '⌘⌥' })
{ "key_code": "left_arrow", "modifiers": { "mandatory": [ "right_command", "right_option"] } }
// map('left_command', { optional: '⇧' })
{ "key_code": "left_command", "modifiers": { "optional": [ "shift"] } }
// map('keypad_asterisk', 'optionalAny')
{ "key_code": "keypad_asterisk", "modifiers": { "optional": [ "any"] } }

Key alias

The list of supported key alias can be found here,

Key alias
⌘  command
⌥ option
⌃ control
⇧ shift
⇪ caps_lock

↑ up_arrow
↓ down_arrow
← left_arrow
→ right_arrow
⇞ page_up
⇟ page_down
↖ home
↘ end

⏎ return_or_enter
⎋ escape
⌫ delete_or_backspace
⌦ delete_forward
⇥ tab
␣ spacebar
- hyphen
= equal_sign
[ open_bracket
] close_bracket
\ backslash
; semicolon
' quote
` grave_accent_and_tilde
, comma
. period
/ slash

It is recommended to put the alias on a layer/simlayer to use them.

Example of key alias on a layer
layer(['z', '/'], 'emoji-mode').manipulators([
// 1 2 3 4 5
withMapper(['⌘', '⌥', '⌃', '⇧', '⇪'])((k, i) =>
map((i + 1) as NumberKeyValue).toPaste(k),
// Paste the symbols instead of triggering the key
withMapper(['←', '→', '↑', '↓', '␣', '⏎', '⇥', '⎋', '⌫', '⌦', '⇪'])((k) =>
map(',').toPaste('‹'), // left_{modifier}
map('.').toPaste('›'), // right_{modifier}
  • map('‹⌘'), ‹⌘ is left_command, can also be <⌘, l⌘, left⌘
  • map(1, '??'), ?? is optionalAny, can also be?any, { optional: 'any' }
  • map(1, '?›⌘⌥'), ?›⌘⌥ is { optional: ['right_command', 'right_option'] }


mapConsumerKey() is similar to map(key) but with consumer_key_code instead of key_code.

The list of supported consumer_key_code can be found here.

mapConsumerKey('menu', '⌘', 'any')
Generated JSON
"consumer_key_code": "menu",
"modifiers": { "mandatory": ["command"], "optional": ["any"] }


mapPointingButton() is similar to map(key) but with pointing_button instead of key_code.

The list of supported pointing_button can be found here.

mapPointingButton('button1', '⌘')
Generated JSON
"pointing_button": "button1",
"modifiers": { "mandatory": ["command"] }


mapSimultaneous() creates from.simultaneous with (optional) options and threshold parameter.

['a', { pointing_button: 'button1' }], // keys
{ key_down_order: 'strict' }, // options?
100, // threshold?, default 50
Generated JSON
"type": "basic",
"from": {
"simultaneous": [
{"key_code": "a"},
{"pointing_button": "button1"}
"simultaneous_options": {
"key_down_order": "strict"
"parameters": {
"basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds": 100


To set from.modifiers use mapSimultaneous().modifiers(/* ... */).


The threshold parameter can also be set at writeToProfile() for the profile.

'--dry-run', // profile name
[], // rules
{ 'basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds': 100 }, // parameters