Nested leader key
To nest leader keys, use a variables:
- Set the variable on the leader key (Default value 1; 0 when unset)
- Set the variable to different value on each nested leader key (other than 1 or 0)
- Unset the variable on all action keys and escape key(s)
- (optional) Use notification for hints
Example code: ( Open in the online editor → )
let raycastEmoji = 'raycast/emoji-symbols/search-emoji-symbols'
let escape = [toUnsetVar('leader'), toRemoveNotificationMessage('leader')]
let rules = [
rule('Leader Key').manipulators([
// When no leader key or nested leader key is on
withCondition(ifVar('leader', 0))([
// Leader key
map('l', 'Hyper') // Or mapSimultaneous(['l', ';']) ...
.toVar('leader', 1)
.toNotificationMessage('leader', 'Leader Key: Open, Raycast, ...'),
// When leader key or nested leader key is on
withCondition(ifVar('leader', 0).unless())([
// Escape key(s)
// When leader key but no nested leader key is on
withCondition(ifVar('leader', 1))([
// Nested leader keys
withMapper(['o', 'r'])((x) =>
.toVar('leader', x)
.toNotificationMessage('leader', `leader ${x}`),
// leader o - Open
withCondition(ifVar('leader', 'o'))(
// f - Finder, ...
].map((x) =>,
// leader r - Raycast
withCondition(ifVar('leader', 'r'))(
map('e').to$(`open raycast://extensions/${raycastEmoji}`),
// e - Emoji, ...
].map((x) =>,