Duo Modifiers
Duo-modifier is an idea combined with home row mods and duo-layer:
- Map one single key to mod(s) will be similar to either layer or simlayer, which would have the same problems.
- Duo-modifier uses 2 keys instead, similar to duo-layer.
- It also has the same problems as duo-layer.
Adjust basic.simultaneous_threshold_milliseconds
to your typing speed and habit.
When get started, it can be very useful to show a notification when the mod(s) are activated.
Example code: ( Open in the online editor → )
let rules = [
'⌘': ['fd', 'jk'], // ⌘ first as used the most
'⌃': ['fs', 'jl'], // ⌃ second as Vim uses it
'⌥': ['fa', 'j;'], // ⌥ last as used the least
'⇧': ['ds', 'kl'],
'⌘⇧': ['gd', 'hk'],
'⌃⇧': ['gs', 'hl'],
'⌥⇧': ['ga', 'h;'],
'⌘⌥': ['vc', 'm,'],
'⌘⌃': ['vx', 'm.'],
'⌥⌃': ['cx', ',.'],
'⌘⌥⌃': ['vz', 'm/'],
function duoModifiers(
v: Partial<
'⌘' | '⌥' | '⌃' | '⇧' | MultiModifierAlias,
`${LetterKeyCode | KeyAlias}${LetterKeyCode | KeyAlias}`[]
) {
let result = []
for (let [m, k] of Object.entries(v)) {
for (let keys of k) {
let id = k + m
let [firstMod, ...restMods] = (
m in modifierKeyAliases
? [modifierKeyAliases[m as ModifierKeyAlias]]
: multiModifierAliases[m as MultiModifierAlias]
) as Array<'command' | 'control' | 'option' | 'shift'>
let to_after_key_up = [toRemoveNotificationMessage(id)]
mapSimultaneous(keys.split('') as (LetterKeyCode | KeyAlias)[], {
.toNotificationMessage(id, m) // Must go first or to() doesn't work
.to(`left_${firstMod}`, restMods),
return result